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Sale Camera Club Membership

Thank you for showing interest in the Sale Camera Club. We are a friendly group of photography enthusiasts who get together on a monthly basis with the aim of learning a little bit more, sharing ideas and thoughts, while having fun. 
Our group ranges from those who have only recently picked up a camera for the first time to those who have done more formal training but most importantly what we have in common is our interest in and love of photography. 
We try to make our meetings relaxed and friendly so that everyone feels comfortable to join in. We usually chat about a general aspect of photography in our 'Back to Basic' session, have a guest speaker and then have a cuppa. Every month we have an in-house competition (alternating Digital and Print competitions) where we get feedback from an experienced photographer on the images club members have entered.
New members and guests are welcome to enjoy their first meeting for free without having to join. If you enjoy your first meeting enough so that you want to come back again please join! 
Membership Fees:
$80.00 - New Members - Individual (incl $20 for name badge - payable for the first year only)
$60.00 - Individual - subsequent years
$50.00 - New additional family member or under 18 years old* (incl $20 for a name badge - payable for the                   first year only)
$30.00 - Additional family member or under 18 years old*
Membership fees are for the financial year ending on 30th June. Fees are reduced for a partial year if joining after January (new members only). 
*Junior members must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times at club meetings and events as per child standards. 
Membership fees can be paid by direct deposit to our club account. If you direct deposit any fees we would appreciate an email to letting us know. 
Account Details for Direct Deposit:
Name: Sale Camera Club
BSB: 633 000
ACC: 128 427 952
REF: Your name
Download Membership Form:               Check your Membership Number:           Member-Only Facebook Page:

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